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We were out of town for a couple of days and as normal returned to messages. This got me to thinking I had not written for a loonngg time ( as the blog world goes).

Sometime during this season – Advent a sermon, meditation, or devotion will be presented about the 400 year “silence” between the Prophets and the Angle visits beginning the sequence of events that brought the Creator into His creation. Silence would seem to be contrasted with “new revelation”. I ask this question here; Were the people of Yahweh devoid of hope during this time? Another question; Are we devoid of hope in our time? Does a clamorous environment equate to a revelatory environment? Voices say to us in our day as prophesied – “Where is the promise of His coming?” 2nd Peter 3:3. Isaiah heard the same type of challenge “Let Him make speed, let Him hasten His work, that we may see it; And let the purpose of the Holy One of Israel draw near and come to pass that we may see it!” Isaiah 5:19. Jeremiah complained about the wait; “Look, they keep saying to me, ‘Where is the word of Yahweh? Let it come now!’” Jeremiah 17:5. And if we spent more time searching Scripture there would by more words reflecting this idea.

These questions reflect mankind’s draw (and the Church’s unfortunately) to the big, the flashy, the noisy, and anything that can generate a party. The “silences” tell us an important characteristic of Yahweh, His patience. Ya’ know if we were a part of the inner council of the Godhead in the Garden instead of a flaming sword blocking the path to the Tree of Life that sword would have acted as an agent of destruction instead of Grace. Yes, the time will come when the sword will slay the wicked however the longsuffering of our Creator, His kindness leads us to repentance Romans 2:4. Silence seems to be the state of Yahweh just before He makes a dramatic change in salvation history. Along side the silence faith grows.

The people in the days of the incarnation had waited became enslaved and meshed with the society that dominated. Even though that condition existed the voice of Yahweh was still in the hearts of the faithful. Simeon and Anna waited silent in the Temple but faithful in what they did not see yet knew would happen. Luke tells us that the Holy Spirit was upon Simeon and that the widow Anna was a Prophetess. The Doctor makes clear that the voice of Yahweh was being heard but few were those who persevered in the quietness of the still small voice. The situation of Israel was such that as the Incarnate One grew and ministered the quietness of the Lamb lead to slaughter even though prominent in the activities of the Temple became over shadowed by the noise of the Warrior King who would over throw Rome and give the Land of Judah prominence as in the days of David. Few sought the Lamb and heard His voice then and if what the Lamb of Yahweh said is true narrow is the path and few seek the way of salvation even in our day. But we are told, “In repentance and rest you shall be saved, In quietness and trust is your strength.” Isaiah 30:15.

In the above illustrations the silent years were filled with a quiet voice speaking for those with ears to hear. I ask this; Are we silent enough to hear? Does the tumult of war draw us to turn from repentance and rest quietness and trust so like the few at the first coming the Silent Night will come upon us like a thief in the night, leaving us robbed of our treasure?

Pastor Art

Published in: on December 12, 2008 at 5:02 am  Leave a Comment  

How Far From Revival is this Nation


Who is responsible?

 Yahweh’s Covenant reflects His nature, justice, righteousness, and holiness. When we fail, He provides mercy and grace for our restoration upon our repentance. Its His whole council and cannot be separated when trying to grasp His heart. Whenever contrasts occur in an issue sides inevitably develop and extreme positions form. Each side has its fundamental edges. This issue is no different. Both sides of our God’s nature have a camp. One camp pitches its tent on grace a grace without accountability – ‘Cheep Grace’ in a kind of predetermined dispensationanal progression that does not have its foundation within the “whole” council of the Scriptures. A sister premise teaches that God already knows and His sovereignty does not leave the choice up to us because He already knows and we can not change His mind therefore some are in some are out, a kind of universalistic enie meinie minei mo all will be saved who are saved and this is His sovereign plan. The dynamic of this is said to prove His complete rule over His creation – protecting His Omnipotence. Then there are those who leave the “old” behind for the “new” a type of replacement theology; leaving out the Jew for the gentile. Yet another camp puts down its stakes in a ridged legalistic ground. This encampment develops around social or cultural patterns usually setting its standards of ‘righteousness – holiness’ by the norm of the founders time. Any one not meeting their ideas of conformity are outside ‘God’s Kingdom’ in their estimation.


There is need to get a grasp on this conflict that I believe Lucifer fuels. In doing so we will be strengthened to be the whole, healthy, and unified Body that Jesus prayed for us to be until He returns. The foundation of the transcendent can’t but color how we see events and how we react to them.


2nd Chronicles 7:14 has become a Christian Mantra. There is a context that defines this verse’s promise. It is an answer to a prayer of Solomon during the solemn assembly of the Temple’s dedication; 2nd Chronicles chapters 5-7.


Yahweh’s answer is a Covenantal response (not the least being the fulfillment of Deuteronomy 12 a place of His dwelling) having important conditional parameters for those gathered. Yahweh addressing Solomon not the whole assembly says,“ I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice.” He then continues with, “If I”, signaling the conditions involved echoing Deuteronomy 26:16 – Chapter 30.

Solomon’s prayer was an outline of the Deuteronomic understanding given to Israel before entering the PROMISE LAND and according to Jeremiah can only be broken when the fixed order of ‘day and night’ can be broken Jere.31:35-37,33:19-26, and Ezekiel gives 2nd testimony to this 37:24-28. Jesus later confirms this in Matt.5:17-24 as a warning to His future followers that includes us today!


Deuteronomy 26:16-19 reads, “This day Yahweh your God commands you to do these statutes and ordinances”… (the Torah given to Moses) [The hearers; DELIVERED- SAVED are inside the Covenant as we are today]…“ You shall therefore be careful to do them with all your HEART and with all your SOUL. You have today declared Yahweh to be your God and that you would walk in His ways and keep His statutes, His commandments and His ordinances, and listen to His voice. [this we agree to when we surrender to Jesus – John 14:15,21 Galatians 3:29] And Yahweh has today declared you to be His people, a treasured possession, as He promised you, and that you should keep all His commandments; and that He will set you high above all nations which He has made, for praise, fame, and honor, and that you shall be a consecrated people to Yahweh your God, as He has spoken.” This preamble to the summery of the Covenant is still active and binding, Matthew 5:17-24,Gal.3:29, Eph. 3:14 -19. The detailed consequences and specific reinstatement instructions often overlooked have defining parameters for our actions today. (Matt.5:17-20)


We are the People called by His name standing together with the “great cloud of witnesses” from time’s beginnings. Therefore, Yahweh speaking to us today says, “If I shut up the heavens”… and any or all the curses spelled out in Deut.27 fall on us, or a country we live, Yahweh, in His faithfulness and justice must act according to His word. He is Sanctified by its coming about as He has spoken. Ezk. 39:27 saying, “in fulfilling what He’s spoken He…SHELL BE SANTIFIED (emphasis added) through His fulfilling actions.” Jesus prays, “ Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth.” It appears that when Yahweh does according to His word/Covenant He proves His faithfulness. .

When we expect Him to act contrary to His Word, we dishonor Him

Our land reflects the coursings of Mount Ebal. His Word/truth must define what is out of order. We, called by His name, while seeking His face, concerning our nation must understand that infractions are spelled out in the Scriptures not by man made standards. The Scriptures have the information we need to get in line with the Eternal Covenant that Yahweh will not violate nor has there been a change since the Heavens and the Earth have not yet passed away! If we do not agree in our supplications with His directives He will not fulfill the PROMISES, because He is faithful to Himself. When we ask for the promises without coming in line with the truth of His directives we dishonor the Word and person of Yahweh. At the closing of history we are warned, “I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to them, God shell add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the Holy city, which are written in this book. He who testifies to these things says, “ Yes, I am coming quickly…” (Rev.22:17-20a). Moreover if we truly believe that this is a whole book, then it stands to reason when our intercessor [Jesus] issues His closing warning with such consequences we have but one response, humble ourselves by finding out how the Creator’s mandates have been trespassed against. Once He has exposed these things to us through comparing ourselves to His righteousness we must pray prayers of repentance! THEN I… Says Yahweh!

It is imperative to ask this question; what does Yahweh’s answer to Solomon look like?

Today’s ideas of absolutes and objectivity weaken our resolve and understanding of Yahweh. And some of the earlier mentioned “theological” concepts have altered our understanding of Scripture’s instruction. The Scriptures show us transcendent parameters. The second phrase … “humble themselves and pray” reveals to us “who will then seek His face” the directions to follow when crying out between porch and alter (Joel2:12-17).

We live in a nation not effected when the hand of Yahweh moves with signs and wonders against us like the alarm sounding in the ears a man deafened through an intoxicated stupor. Like that man this nation turned a little slammed down the snooze button after 9/11 and the hurricanes, and the fires and drought and wild animals in the cities and the and the… Our response, by even those who should know better, was to stand shoulder to shoulder with religious leaders proclaiming and serving gods other then Yahweh, saying all are equal. Just what type of response do we think The God who says , you shall have no other Gods before me and I give My glory to no one but Myself is going to give us?

Pastor Art


For Him to bless us when outside the agreed Covenant parameters would make Him a liar.

Published in: on September 11, 2008 at 11:25 pm  Leave a Comment  



The world moves so fast – as if all were a day

My mind whirls while the vortex of activity gives way

To illusion; like the horizon no end in sight – a thousand years away.

While the hand of darkness shakes and shouts

Welling up fear and distraction, amidst the sound and fury!

Sudden like thunder- move along; churning like crashing waves – take no rest.



Deep within me, within all men, Creator plants eternity!

Opened eyes turn to Creator’s mysteries – speaking of Him

Within the thunder the God of Glory speaks – to unstopped ears!

His voice like the sound of many waters

In the gentle blowing whisper Yahweh calls

Enter My rest! Take up My yoke! In silence and stillness will My salvation be found!

Arthur Brokop II

Published in: on August 8, 2008 at 10:23 pm  Leave a Comment  

Why Diversity?


Revelation 7:9


John sees every tribe, tongue, and nation before the Throne of Yahweh – in Eternity. So it would seem that by this testimony from Scripture homogenization can not be applied to Mankind. Therefore if the perfect is diverse expressions of every tribe, tongue, and nation what then is the homogenized expression of Mankind? Genesis 11:1-6 explains quite well, it is rebellion, an affront, deriving from the open defiance against Yahweh’s cardinal command to Man – “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the Earth” – Genesis 1:28 repeated after the flood Genesis 9:1, and the instrument used by Lucifer through Man to, “reach into heaven”. Around the story of The Tower of Babel is wrapped the defiance born of sin to remain in one place, become powerful, and bring down the Throne of the Creator – Yahweh. Reality points to the continued battle for the rule of creation started by Lucifer in Heaven – Ezekiel 28:11f Matthew 4:8-10 now taken to the Earth. This fallen angle who enlisted one third of the Angelic hosts desires to enlist the sons of Adam – Yahweh’s image, Genesis 1:26-27, into his battle to rule creation.

We looked at the in “Every Tribe Tongue and Nation” from the one every and the image of Yahweh becomes revealed /exampled through the diversity seen across the Earth at the quelling of the coup at Babel. You say why visit this again? Because the “from every comes one” reflects the god who’s image this rebellion sprouts. The Creator reveals Himself as we have explored through the Omniness of Himself incarnated across the Earth expressed within the finiteness of Man in the variety/diversity of Adam’s children. However, the homogenizing better known by us today as “modernity” being offered temptingly to Man as the key to peace because the differences inherent among men are divisive and ancient the source of war and so forth. This singularity reflects the “god” of this world. Lucifer is a created being not in the image of Yahweh therefore not bearing the Trinitarian nature. His image incarnated has to be a singularity or he would be even in his rebellion, glorifying Yahweh his creator. Therefore, unity movements expressed through commonalities eradicating distinctions have their roots in satanic soil. Uniformity destroys diversity. Without diversity Yahweh’s image can not be made known through man as is His plan. When dissonant expressions of spirituality are eliminated either theologically or through worship then the contrast between true religion and false is eliminated. The elimination allows Lucifer to be the unchallenged single god easily explained because everything is uniformly expressed throughout what eyes can see. And to question…

What are the implications – I do not have the space here to express them here, however thoughtful people can draw out of meditating upon these thoughts conclusions. After all the diversity of the thoughts of Man are the revelation of Yahweh and a part of that revelation is the mind of Christ!

Pastor Art

Published in: on June 10, 2008 at 1:38 am  Leave a Comment  

Every Tribe Tongue and Nation




I have been thinking about this of late. Those who read regularly or know Maryellen and I know that we live, work, and minister in the Four Corners region. Being here follows an arduous learning and experience trail with a long and winding road ahead, to borrow a line from a song of the past. Anyone with any amount of sensitivity living here has to learn something about the Nations that have inhabited this land since the migration after the Flood and the subsequent dispersion of its survivors as reported in Genesis 7-11.

As a follower of the Creator – Yahweh I perceive a diverse unity to this existence. Paul speaks to this on Mars Hill in Athens, in reality, in First Century actual time, to people of intellect, world class scholars of his day, about “an unknown God” one they made space for through ignorant fervor. Invisible, yet, still perceived even though an image could not be brought to focus, Romans 1:19-20. Paul begins by contrasting world – views. For the most part the philosophies and religions of the Greco – Roman world were foundationed upon Evolutional dynamics, not Darwinian but Evolutional all the same. If one thinks his current existence consists of reformed material from some failed pre – creation then this existence will be a pointless failure, after all, the substance of our creation derives from what has already failed! Although this writing is not Creation verses Evolution ones belief about how their people and their culture came into being and how mankind became dispersed across the face of the Earth, effects how each culture interacts with another. Let me pose this example; a few years back we got to know a young man (we were so much younger then, to) working among a people group who he said just do not grasp the Salvation message. Asking him what they believed about what they understand as man’s origins he said they believed that man came into being because a monkey and a demon mated and man is their offspring. I suggested he should teach Genesis’ account of Creation because a Man/God coming to Earth to change them becomes quite ridicules when ones concept of a man is an offspring of an animal and an evil creature. By contrast, if man is understood to be the form of the Creator made by that Creator and before sin – evil entered into creation, man was a “Good” being and the direct formed image of his Creator then the Creator and man becoming one to restore man and his children who have spread across the Earth becomes a reality of merit not an offence based in categorical impossibility. Paul approached those on Mars Hill in this way. He overtly uses the world view of an intelligent Creator, invisible yet perceived, evidenced by their own dedication on that place of inquiry. He breaches the incredulous idea, that from evil corrupt substance a good redemptive result can be made. Paul establishes his argument from the view that before evil corruption there was good perfection. This state of “good” established Man as good but at this time the original is in need of the Creator to recreate. Yahweh, who started this has now entered the evil to reform it to His intended condition. Part of that intention – “He made from one, every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times, and boundaries of their habitation,” Acts 17:26.





From One Man Every Nation



From one to every, this pattern Yahweh establishes as His way to bring about the created order, as revealed through the Creation account. We will look at the sixth day because Man is our focus. One lump of clay Man – male and the Holy Spirit was not good. He then to complete His image from the Man – male Yahweh formed Man – female. From them all the peoples of the earth come, this fact is where Paul starts on Mars Hill. Paul’s entire interaction with the learned men more then likely is not contained in the narrative of Acts 17. However what we can draw out of that account and the character of Paul, a Rabbi, tied together by his writings is that he probably taught conceptually if not actually out of the foundational precepts of Torah. This can be seen in verses 24-27. Paul then ties Torah and Pagan world – views together, verses 28-29. He then points to the Salvationual act of Christ as done by this invisible unknown God worshiped through ignorance.

Returning to the from one.. the evil that has entered into the earth has by the time of Noah corrupted all alive. Man’s one act of sin produces every type and action of sin. Continuing unabated until, “Yahweh was sorry that He made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.” Genesis 6:6. This sorrow and grief lead to action. Again one man, Noah finds favor. This favor is with Noah not Noah and his family, Genesis 6:8. Without recounting the whole Flood story we skip to the end. Once Noah emerges out of the Ark much change dominates his environment. Yet, there is a carry over from Adam and Eve, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth”, Genesis 1:28, 9:1. This desire expressed as a command seems to explain the purpose of Man. But, what happens? The descendants of Noah and his sons, Genesis 9:19, build a tower to assail Heaven instead. How does Yahweh respond? He enforces, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth” .

Now the whole earth used the same language and the same words…

…And Yahweh said,

“Behold, they are one people,

And they all have the same language.

And this is what they begin to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do

Will be impossible for them.

Come let Us go down and there confuse their language,

That they may not understand one another’s speech.”

So Yahweh scattered them abroad from there over the face of the earth:

And they stopped building the city,

Therefore its name was called Babel, because there Yahweh confused the language

of the whole earth;

And from there Yahweh scattered them abroad over the face of the earth.


Genesis 11:1,6-9


Yahweh’s command to, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth”, becomes an overwhelming issue, so much so that, “Yahweh scattered them abroad from there over the face of the earth”. The command of Genesis comes out of Jesus’ mouth this way,

“All authority has been given Me in heaven and on the earth.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,”


Matthew 28:19a


Jesus’ sacrifice reestablished the command but at this time the children of Adam are upon the face of the earth. Therefore we now go to repair not establish.


Why? Why, the importance of Nations? Why? The Book of Revelation opening up what is to come after the end still identifies tribes, tongues, and nations, Revelation 5:9, 10:11, 14:6-7.

Before embarking upon an answer let me add to the one – every. Following this pattern, out of Abraham – Israel. Out of Israel; one nation out of the many comes the Tribe of Judah one out of twelve. Out of the Tribe of Judah David. Out of the House of David Jesus. Out of Jesus many sons to glory, who by the way are sons of Abraham, Galatians 3:29. And out of these sons from every tribe, tongue, and nation – one Kingdom; Yahweh’s. The very nature of Jesus is one – every. “For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form.”, Colossians 2:9. Jesus as incarnate Deity reveals the Trinity in a single body. As man every descendant of the first Adam is represented. If this be true then every representative of Man and full representation of Yahweh resides in the one man Jesus.

Let me unpack this a little using a comparison. Jesus Himself says, “ I am the light of the world”, John 8:12, and while He is in the world He is the light of the world, John 9:5. To quote Yenta from “Fiddler on the Roof”, true – true. Jesus also says, “You are the light of the world”, Matthew 5:14a, true – true. How can this be? Can both be true? If what Scripture teaches is so then this is so! If Genesis 1:26-27 are true we are made to be His image, the visible of the invisible the same way a prism makes visible the colors of light on one side from the white light entering into it from the other side. However, we turned on our Creator, the light on the hill was put under a bushel. Yet, He made us to be His lamp (Body) container of He who is light, Genesis 1:26-27and Matthew 5:15. Yahweh out of the one body first divided the image of His Oneness into 3 parts male female and His Spirit thereby revealing visibly His basic nature, Trinity. Yahweh built into His image the dynamic of producing life “Male and Female” when one, they were fruitful life giving creators. The Fall changed all that as we can tell by looking around. Without the Spirit of Yahweh dwelling in Man the interactions between male and female lead to bondage and death as pronounced through the curses. Yahweh in restoring us through His Lamb Jesus relights the candle fire at Pentecost making us the light of the world again as was in the beginning.

Remember the prism? How does it work? Unified white light enters from one direction becomes scattered revealing the multi – faceted colors that make up the joined image of white light. Man, male and female joined together with the Holy Spirit makes visible the invisible. Yet the prismatic diversity at that point is not evident. As the workings and nature of Yahweh become seen through Man being fruitful, multiplying, and filling the earth those rainbow spectrums become visible facets of Yahweh. Could this be why He forced the issue against man’s actions to the contrary to become tribes, tongues, and nations? The evidence points to Yahweh wanting to show forth the fullness of Himself through the versatile creative endeavors of the peoples of His earth. If the one did not become the many then the rainbow of Yahweh would not be seen in the earth as it is in Heaven, Genesis 9:8-17, Ezekiel 1:27-28, Revelation 4:3, 10:1. Each color has a wavelength. When white light bends this wavelength becomes visible. The bending or spreading out of compacted light reveals its multiple beauty. Sounds have wavelengths as well we identify them as pitches. When sound is together indiscriminately it is called white noise static for most, irritating. However as with light beauty is revealed when sounds are spread out. Those sounds become notes, chords, music.

Man, formed in Yahweh’s image but not Yahweh is not able in a single form to display the sights and sounds ( His voice is the sounds of many waters, Ezekiel 43:2, Revelation 1:15) that an Omni God can. However this Omni God our Creator – Yahweh, Father Son And Holy Spirit, in forming Man in His image put within him and her all the rainbow of sight and sound so that once spread out across the face of the earth His fullness would be seen and heard. We call that worship. If one of the expressions is not there, there is no cord there is no rainbow only silence and darkness. Thus the Tribes, Tongues, and Nations are the light and sound of Yahweh. We return to Him the beauty of rainbows and symphonies by worshipping, giving thanks, showing worth, and offering up thanksgiving by sounding the note in the chord, applying the color of the rainbow, and moving in dance to the rhythm of the Father’s heartbeat, assigned to our time and the boundary of our habitation, Deuteronomy 32:6-8, Acts 17:24-28. Unless I am totally mistaken this appears to be why Tribes, Tongues, and Nations transcend time and are the consummation of time and the only act Yahweh takes against man’s free will, therefore important. Let there be light!!!

Pastor Art

Published in: on April 23, 2008 at 4:39 am  Leave a Comment  

Days of Reflection

James 1:19-27


The majority of Christendom is observing Lent. Lent points us to the Cross and the traumatic events around the sacrifice of ‘the Lamb of Yahweh’. James has a phrase in the above passage that goes along with this season, ‘he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror…’. The context speaks to the relationship of our actions and faith pertaining to evidence of Salvation or as Paul puts it …‘work out your salvation with fear and trembling…’, Philippians 2:12b. James is trying to communicate that faith is not just an intellectual accent or something bestowed upon us passively but an active (maybe better put interactive) dynamic that affects our lifestyle. Mirrors show us, us. If we turn away from the reflective image we forget the reality of who we are and can see ourselves as the fantasy we create in our minds. However, if we look into the, ‘perfect law, the law of liberty,’ the image that we are has to conform to the stable image cast by that law. Put another way the image of our actions have to begin fitting the form of Scripture as lived out by the living ‘Word’ – Jesus the Christ. Instead of, as with a mirror, which displays reflectively the actions of the image before it, we should be the reflection of the image before us – Christ! Keeping with the motif, we become the mirror image of Christ upon the Earth. This is keeping with Geneses 1:26-27 and the Body of Christ statements. We then as, … Abraham our Father… become … justified by works…, you see that a man is justified by works, and not by faith alone, James 2:20-24. This is the conclusion of James’ statement that… faith, if it has no works, is dead… and faith by itself – alone demonic. The point is not that we earn justification… for by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast, Ephesians 2:8-9. By and through become pivotal concepts we need to understand and reflect upon.

BY; the instrument, the result, the power of GRACE we have salvation. Obtaining salvation is THROUGH FAITH furthermore not a result of works but works/ obedience cooperating with faith as Paul says, ‘ you become obedient from the heart to the form of teaching to which you are committed‘, Romans 6:17b. James teaches that the two, form a holy understanding: not demonic as with faith alone, James 2:24 or result of works, Ephesians quoted earlier. Either faith or works alone lead to a relation – less religion devoid of the power of God, 2nd Timothy 3:5.

We must understand Faith as defined out of the Scriptures. Faith seems to have two dynamics. One, assurance of hope and conviction of the unseen, Hebrews 11:1. The other grows out of hope, waiting with perseverance, Romans 8:24-23. Both of these stem from Habakkuk 2:4 and quoted in Romans 1:17 where the root of the word is Amen – I concur or agree. What the righteous agrees with is the scripture and its author Yahweh. Then our heart and mind and soul join together because of this agreement from that agreement flows our strength therefore our action becomes the righteousness of Yahweh and accounted to us. The central figure referred to is Abraham. Studying his life each time he acted out that action was counted as righteous. If we take seriously the statements about Abraham, Noah all the others who by faith… acted, and James’ teaching that faith has to have action we have to consider that a passive reception of Grace can not give us salvation.

Much of western Christendom has put aside this understanding for a bestowed passive salvation without cooperation – obedience. The polished cross made of precious metals without the figure of Christ on it has become the image of the Savior. Many argue we celebrate the resurrection not the death therefore the empty cross. However an empty cross makes void the object of our worship; the image of the invisible one, Colossians 1:15. We are asked to remember Him while doing this. Yet, is that doing, going into an empty hole – tomb commemorating resurrection or is it with the breaking of His Body – Bread and drinking the Cup – spilled out Blood? Now hold back the stones please!!!, the Resurrection is real, bodily, in time, just not the power of God unto salvation the Cross is, Romans 1:16. The empty tomb is the sign that the sacrifice upon the cross fulfilled the requirements for atonement, death is powerless over Jesus. The empty tomb signifies that the inheritance passed from Adam and Eve was not Jesus’ legacy therefore He rose and ascended after death. Death in Christ Paul teaches us puts us in the inheritance of life therefore we rise with Him, Romans 6. We are told that we must die in Him to receive this resurrected life. Taking up our cross that is what we need to reflect upon during Lent. Is the cross of Christ polished precious metal or a splintered wood execution tool?!?! And which does Jesus command us to pick up!!??

Pastor Art

Published in: on February 23, 2008 at 7:50 am  Leave a Comment  


Example of Working Out Extremes


Acts 26 reports Paul’s defense of Himself before King Agrippa. By his words recorded there he reacted to Jesus’ influence among the Jews from his extreme understanding of being “chosen” as being synonymous with “salvation”. Understanding this as truth Paul acted from his zeal by persecuting Jesus’ followers thereby persecuting Jesus thru them, verses 14-15. Paul being a zealous man stood with the Council against Stephen putting him to death as a blasphemer by stoning. After this Paul acted as an inquisitionist for Judaism. This is where we find him as he receives his calling;

And when we had fallen to the ground,

I heard a voice saying to me in the Hebrew dialect,

Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?

And I said,

Who are you Lord?

And the Lord said,

I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.

But arise, and stand on your feet;

For this purpose I have appeared to you, to appoint you a minister

And a witness not only to the things you have seen,

But also to the things in which will appear to you;

Delivering you from the Jewish people and from the gentiles,

To whom I am sending you,

To open their eyes so they may turn from darkness to light

And from the dominion of Satan to God,

In order that they may receive forgiveness of sins

And an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.


Acts 26:14-18


Paul testifying in his letter to the Galatians 1:16f, alludes to a time most think of as three years of direct instruction from Yahweh in isolation. With all this in mind I do not think it to much of an offence to Scripture to read into Paul’s words,

I say then, God has not rejected His people, has He?


I think his statement hints at some of what Paul struggled with in those three years. This man of zealous passion knocked to the ground, blinded, and humbled through the prayers of healing by one of the very targets of his zeal had to react to this profound change. It would not be out of character for him to respond with as much zeal as he exercised against the ‘threat’ Jesus posed prior to this chain of events. The section of Paul’s letter to the Roman’s embodied in Chapter Eleven provides evidence of this. If Gentiles have a place in Israel, Paul must of thought, that must mean Yahweh has to have rejected Israel. If Jesus is the Messiah and His “chosen” have rejected Him…? Paul seems to answer this profound question of how he has come to understand these extreme claims in Romans 11:7-10. After he quotes scripture associated to rejection he makes this statement;

I say then, they (Jews) did not stumble so as to fall, did they? May it never be! But by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make them jealous… for if their (Jews) rejection be the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead? (Ezk.37?)

… for from the standpoint of the Gospel they (Jews) are enemies for your (Gentiles) sake, but from the standpoint of God’s choice they are beloved for the sake of the Father’s; for the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. For just as you once were disobedient to God, but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience, so these also now have been disobedient, in order that because of the mercy shown to you they also may now be shown mercy, for God has shut up all in disobedience that He might show mercy to all.

Romans 11:7-32 segmented for emphasis


The idea that since Israel rejected Messiah thus they are rejected without recourse must have been his immediate reaction. However, as we see, Paul comes to understand that this is not true but part of the predestined foundational plan of Yahweh. The ‘grafted in’ once seen as outside the commonwealth of Israel, strangers, are now a part of the commonwealth, fellow citizens, Ephesians 2:11f – unheard of! This imagery used by Paul follows the understanding of the vineyard and the vine in the parabolic reference of Isaiah 5 and again in John 15. Therefore, the apparent vine analogy in Romans 11.

This struggle within Paul as chosen and then saved and his coming to realize that the two are not necessarily one and the same becomes his place of rest once reconciled as seen above. The ‘natural’ branches now cut off thru their rejection of Yahweh’s salvation thru His “Suffering Servant” – allows ‘wild’ branches access to the Vine. The Messiah exposes the contradiction of Yahweh’s intention of choosing Israel as a nation of priests, Exodus 19:6 but not the conveyance of His salvation. Yahweh bestowing salvation thru the “Suffering Servant” exposes another mystery. This mystery as Paul explains; “shut up all in disobedience” including those thru whom salvation was to come, John 4:22, 1st Peter 1:17. Being chosen and the priesthood of Yahweh is a different category then being the “Salvation of Yahweh”. Both have their place of calling – priesthood intersession and instruction, Jesus – The Suffering Servant – the Lamb of Yahweh, atonement providing reconciliation; breaking the curse of original sin inherited thru First Adam. Any being in Christ are sons of Abraham, Gal. 3:29 and all who follow the God of Abraham are a part of the same family having Yahweh as Father therefore He applies the same principles of discipline to all who are in Christ, Gentile or Jew, Hebrews 12:4f. These principles are the basis of verses eleven and following that Paul applies to the rejection and restoration of the “chosen”.

It is to Small a Thing

Isaiah 49:5f


The rejection of Jesus by the Jews did not lead to being disinherited but provides the big picture of Yahweh’s plan for mankind acted out before the Nations and is seen in many prophecies of Isaiah, 54:4-8 being but another example. Jesus’ parabolic teaching of the Prodigal Son points to this dynamic. The son in the distant land (the nations of the Gentiles) comes to his senses returns home to the fullness of his place in the Father’s house (seeing the mercy of their Creator coming to understand that He is the God of the Hebrew Scriptures). His return and restoration causes the son (the Jews who have always identified with Yahweh) who stayed “home” to become jealous and question the Father about His actions (this is the Jesus issue the stumbling of the Jews). This struggle; of chosen and saved being not one and the same without a change of heart arose in Paul after Damascus and I believe was explored and ended in the desert over the three years. His struggle is an example of the struggle of the Hebrew people waiting for the Blessed One’s appearance while being blinded to His already being here. Paul as a chosen one who became a saved one teaches Jesus as reconciler between Yahweh and the Nations thru Israel even in their blindness. The Chosen sit in blindness as did Paul awaiting fearless Gentiles to arrive to, “restore the hearts of the fathers to their children (the offspring of salvation Gentiles that has come thru them) and the hearts of the children to their fathers (the originators of the message of salvation – Israel), Malachi 4:6 thus provoking them to jealously so they can hear Yahweh saying,

“Return O Israel, to Yahweh your God,

For you have stumbled because of your iniquity.

Take words with you and return to Yahweh.

Say to Him…

I will heal their apostasy,

I will love them freely,

For My anger has turned away from them…

…Whoever is wise let him understand these things;

Whoever is discerning let him know them.

For the ways of Yahweh are right, and the righteous will walk in them,…

Hosea 14


Reading carefully Paul’s letters, this theme is a constant. His conclusion, the two can become one, Ephesians 2:13-19, 4:4-7 thru the jealousy evoked by mercy, Romans 11:11, the Father bestows upon the returning wander from afar causing the son at home to question like Jonah, Chapter Four, the Father’s actions seeking reconciliation, 2nd Corinthians 5:16-21 – reconciliation desired, opens the eyes of the Hebrew heart revealing Jesus the stone they rejected as David’s greater son, the awaited One. And as Paul says the natural branch’s regrafting will be, “life from the dead”! could this be the prophecy of Ezekiel 37!!!

Pastor Art


Published in: on January 31, 2008 at 5:10 am  Comments (2)  

Coming to Rest



I was reading the Blog – Paradoxology a while back about the following concepts and it inspired this entry. Thanks Chris for the mental stimulus. The post was about pendulums and anchors, with a list of extreme contrasts. This can be read at

These things got me to thinking about the extreme swings of theology he had put in his list. They are the contrasts within Christian thought that tend to produce camps of adversity here are a few right from his list – “We so emphasized holding people’s interest, that we lost our grip on transforming people’s lives. We so emphasized worship as music-based, that we lost our grip on the reality of whole-life worship. We so emphasized the centrality of the sermon, that we lost our grip on the centrality of the Eucharist.”

The dynamic of the thought world and the physical world are similar in principle looking like this: On one apex of a pendulum swing is an extreme claim on the other apex its contrasting idea. Thought about contrasting claims sets the pendulum swing in motion. Pendulums stop swaying at some point because of the influences of gravity and friction doing their God given work. With ideas the influence of the Holy Spirit functions in the place of gravity and friction through conviction.

Anchors hold in place a vessel, usually a boat that would drift without its stabilizing influence. The weight on the end of the rope either hooks into the bottom of the body of water or in depths beyond the rope’s length its weight counteracts the buoyancy bringing the vessel to stable rest at the surface (I think that is how it works).

In both examples above once the motion ends and the weight on the lower end of the tether comes to rest then the line between the top and the bottom can be a plumb line. Plumb lines are used in building to establish a straight plan to work off of. With ideas the plumb line establishes truth; we understand that that’s Yahweh’s Word both written and incarnate.

The physical properties of pendulums and anchors and motion that influence their work I think have parallels in the laws that influence thought. Let us explore.

Actual situations around us motivate people to form ideas of why what they observe happens. These ideas attract people of similar understanding and from these ideas schools of thought develop. Other people thru observation form contradictions as to why said situation happens they then develop their school of thought. As Christians we identify these schools of thought as systems of Doctrine. Furthermore, as we move away from one side the tendency becomes to develop an extreme reactive response because we feel the need to counter the starkness of the rejected claim with a strong contrast. This tendency derives out of our thinking that we must awaken the stupider that has ensnared those bound in the “lie” we have rejected. Therefore the initial response usually becomes stark and a polar opposite. This sets in motion the pendulum initiating the quest for the plumb line of truth that must be found. For true seekers pondering the starkness, rejecting the myopic claims, and striving to satisfy the struggle for peace – rest become the spark that inflames the learning process leading to ones maturity. Understanding the extremes reveals strengths and weaknesses at the edges of these myopic camps (not only with the concepts but in us as well). Considering other views, even the polar opposite works to slow and decrease the immature tendency of being attracted to the excitement of those extremes. This course of action helps mature us producing wisdom, understanding, and the other fruit of the Spirit forming the character of Christ in us. This aspect of our growth in Christ closely parallels the work of gravity. The weight of the issue wrapped in the perceived dissonant claims works to pull down the swing to the center of gravity, the actual truth acts like the physical weight on the end of the rope.

These extreme claims normally are developed as a result of myopic views born out of reactionary responses to a real problem. These views come about and are propagated either through ignorance or stubborn refusal to acknowledge that options to the issue other then their own conclusions have any value. Jesus exhorts “to keep seeking, to keep knocking” by doing this we move away from extreme or distorted claims because as we relentlessly investigate, “the door will be opened”, Matthew 7:7-8. Once opened, truth becomes evident and it sets us free from the myopic distortions, John 8:31-32.

Like the physical swing of a pendulum friction also has influence decreasing velocity and momentum effecting the continued motion between extremes. Proverbs 27:17 states, “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” this sharpening, friction, is discipleship. This life long honing is what Paul writes about in Ephesians 4:7-16. The stability of not being wind tossed is like the closer swing of a pendulum. With each interaction between believers, the tendency to grasp at myopic concepts lessens, because the friction that ‘sharpens’, causes thought and introspection, the result of the influence of mature instruction. Even though growing in Christ never becomes complete maturity can be achieved. Maturity displays stability – “we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine…” Ephesians 4:14.

Eventually a pendulum comes to rest as we do in Christ. When the pendulum action comes to an end the string and weight as stated earlier become a plumb line to form the standard to set square for a structure. As we come to rest in Christ He is plumb line for our lives. Once at rest in Christ we have a standard for examining truth claims. We need to pray with Elisha and Paul that our eyes be opened to this standard and the reality Yahweh desires to show all who seek Him becomes revealed, 2nd Kings 6:16-17, Ephesians 1:18, Matt.7:8. When we trust and rest we become conscious of the stability concealed in the blending of the extremes. Those extremes often reflect questions from the heart of unbelievers that we can answer out of our being grown up in all aspects in Christ , Ephesians 4:15. We then effectively present His Kingdom because the contrast between His Kingdom and the world will be evident and not empty.

Pastor Art (part one)

Published in: on January 23, 2008 at 10:50 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Beginning of The End


The beginning of the Church year in liturgical history happens at “advent”. Generally we think of this as the time of waiting for the birth of the promised Messiah or the return of the same. The Latin root concept aside from Ecclesiastical usage adventus – meaning arrival comes from the root; ad- to, venirearrive/come with the purpose of attack or the place where the law is enacted – a courtroom in our common thinking today (concepts from Online Etymology Dictionary).

Thinking about the above, mingled with the words of Jesus “…I did not come to judge…” has stimulated questioning of why the use of “adventus” by the church Fathers. I may be in danger with this writing of stretching Scripture however, here goes!

Taking the Latin concept into consideration “advent” has a wider field of ideas then most today consider. Many of us understand the two fold aspect of Prophetic pictures wrapped around the Incarnation; the coming King of the House of David, the Warrior who would restore the Earthly Kingdom of Israel, the restoration of the Fall, and the many other implications placed upon Jesus while on Earth over two thousand years ago. These ideas fit the both and aspects of “Advent” as per the Latin. Yet, Jesus says of Himself,

… I did not come to judge…


Just what then is advent applied to the Christ event? After all the Fathers of the Church who used this word to communicate to their generation that idea understood better then we do today its meaning. Jesus next says in John 12:48 judgment will be, “at the last day”. We have come to speak of the waiting – “The Last Days” – also as an Advent. Arrival of… who? what? Let us turn back to the two basic aspects one coming for battle and one coming to determine guilt or innocence – to judge at an appointed place and time ( Armageddon? ).

And I (Yahweh speaking to the serpent – Lucifer) will put enmity

Between you and the women,

And between your seed and her seed;

He will bruise you on the head.

And you shall bruise him on the heel.

Genesis 3:15


Enmity is not a picture of peace and harmony. The opening statement after the Fall concerns conflict. This conflict will involve struggle, leaving both combatants with wounds. One will suffer a fatal blow while the other a staggering one, however recovery will happen for the heel bruised one but not the head stuck.

Yahweh in flesh – Incarnated – came then “not to Judge” but to do battle. The Son came for the purpose of bruising. The High Priest – Caiaphas – and the rest of the leaders of Israel adjured Jesus to answer “ are You the Christ the Son of the Living God” Matthew 26:63. Part of Jesus’ answer was that He would hereafter be “at the right hand of power, and coming on the clouds of heaven” Matthew 26:64. With His encounter with the leaders Jesus reveals both aspects of “advent”. At the whipping post and upon the cross Christ stood between the defenseless and their enemy. This is the calling of a solder – a warrior, one who comes engaging an enemy’s attack. Jesus received while defending us the enemies intended furry for us upon Himself. This battle encounter left Him heel bruised. He arose from this encounter to fight another day. The attacker was head crushed never to rise left to writhe until the advent of judgment out of the clouds of heaven by the one coming to the appointed place and time. He will put an end to the writhing death throws and reveal Himself fully as the light of the world for those who are in great darkness the fullness of His light will shine at the last day!

I for one await this day looking to the hills from where my help will come! While the day of the manger is remembered the day of the white horse is advented!

Come Headcrusher upon the horse of white,

He whose tongue is His sword.

From heaven as the great cloud of witnesses divide

Comes the Rider faithful and true.

His eyes flame of fire on His head many crowns

Clothed in a robe dipped in blood

Upon His robe and upon His thigh a name written,

King of Kings Lord of Lords

Pastor Art

Published in: on December 5, 2007 at 7:43 am  Leave a Comment  

Acting as His Son – Prayer of Intersession


  Each system of belief communicates beyond here and now to who or whatever transcendent concept they perceive exists. This exchange is commandingly spoken of as prayer. As Christians we believe this activity with the transcendent to be an exchange, a conversation with the Creator of the Universe. Our understanding is that Yahweh is a “personal” being who interacts with us who are made in His image as “personal” beings as well. We are not rocks {inanimate} speaking to another rock. We are not having a internal conversation either, because our Creator did not form us from the substance of Himself because when He became, “the image of the invisible God“ He had to enter into this world not emanate into consciousness from the pool of non – existence, John 16:28, 11:27, 18:37, Heb.10:5.

  Once we chose to submit to the Father after being drawn of the Holy Spirit through the means of the Son’s blood atonement our intimate interaction can begin. Pryor to our choosing to except the adoption offer of Yahweh we echo Job after the depths of his breaking;

I know that thou canst do all things,
And that no purpose of Thine can be thwarted.
Who is this that hides counsel with out knowledge?
Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand,
Things to wonderful for me, which I did not know.
Hear, now, I will speak;
I will ask Thee, and do Thou instruct me.
I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear;
But now my eye sees Thee,
Therefore I react,
And I repent in dust and ashes.
Job 42:2-6

Our being exposed increasingly to the person and character of Yahweh through our life struggles, like Job, is the process that leads to maturity. This illustrates Jesus’ teaching concerning the Holy Spirit’s ministry towards man John 16:8-15. His Spirit sent by the Father will act as convector – not to be confused with accuser. Struggle that produces hope verses despair is a simple way to tell the difference, Psalm 126:4-6, Jeremiah 31:8-9.

  He first exposes Sin offering the one trapped within its nature freedom from it through their choosing to repent and surrender to the Father’s rule – justification – breaking the curse of “Original Sin” and its power over the one born into the nature of the first Adam, Rom. 10:8-17. [As the dwelling place – temple of the Holy Spirit – the Body of Christ, we are the mouth producing the sound to hear as the Holy Spirit’s instrument the work of the Holy Spirit is not the result of some ethereal encounter that far to many instruct the Holy Spirit‘s interaction with man to be!]

  The second and ongoing relationship between the believer and the Father is conviction of unrighteousness still influencing [not ruling Rom.6] the repentant one – this is Sanctification the second aspect of Salvation and the relational interaction revealing the habits of our past still unbroken needing to come under discipline’s maturing instruction, Heb.12:7-14. The restoration of His Spirit as in the Garden endows us again with the strength and understanding [Rom.8:16,26 2nd Corth.1:22, Gal.4:6] to respond increasingly as we grow and throw off the encumbering sin- habits of the old man so we can say as Job, “I heard of Thee… but now my eye sees Thee”. This is the goal expounded upon in Eph.4:14.

  The interaction here falls into the transcendent relationship man has with Yahweh and reveals one dimension of what we call prayer. This interaction develops between us knowledge leading to understanding. Understanding in turn allows trust to develop. This trust becomes the foundation by which Jesus says we are no longer slaves but sons because a slave has no concept of his master’s plan. However a son who is mature acts according to what he sees and hears from his father. A son fathoms the depths of his father’s character. The father in turn, out of concern and compassion informs the son. Moreover since a son has the foundational understandings of his father the unfolding plan becomes a cooperative endeavor based upon agreed results of the two together [Biblical agreement is not between sons but between father and son/s, however if many sons are in agreement with the one father then agreement among sons will be apparent but not the primary interaction of agreement!].
  This concept -maturity- is the starting point of earth changing intersession. When we are mature sons we are not in the dark concerning Yahweh’s Kingdom principles and its nature. He has given us the complete picture needed to act as His son/s while we live in time – Scripture. Intersession reflects the mature responsibility entrusted to a mature son who is not in doubt over his next move as would be a immature son. While a child is being brought to maturity a father stands beside a child guiding and protecting the child’s actions because his immaturity only allows him to act upon direct instruction. The evidence of maturity sought after from a father is seen when his son acknowledges the contrast between the father’s desired order and the condition existing outside of that order and without seeking instruction proceeds to bring his father’s order to bear to the situation encountered. Along with the understanding and responsible action a father then gives his son authority to act in his name and wield his power to accomplish the task.
  Intersession is not relational interaction but trust interaction based upon mature interdependence. Mature sons stand in the gap between the Father and the situations within the Earth. Intercessors understand what they see around them and in the same fashion as the mature son in the natural begin to use the authority and power granted them to develop strategies to bring order to the estate.
  Unfortunately either out of fear, some type of false humility, or immaturity the Western Church spends to much of her time calling intimate relational interaction intercession. Just so no one misunderstands me we must continue to build deeper relational times with Yahweh. However we have got to stop confusing this with intercession. If most of the time spent “praying” intercessionally takes on the need of searching for the anti – Kingdom conditions we are not mature enough to be a trusted son given the authority to stand in the gap between the voiceless and the oppressor as an ambassador wielding the Kings authority.
  As we survey the Father’s lands do we more often then not see what He does not approve. If not then chances are we are not mature. If we do, then the next step is to through His authority begin to address that which we see. This address is true intercession responses received concerning the situation either from revealed will – Scripture or the speaking of the Spirit in the exchange of prayer (knowledge of Scripture builds foundation for discernment here) begin to form marching orders for “warfare prayer” another aspect of prayer. (part of book I am working on)

Pastor Art

Published in: on October 5, 2007 at 5:10 am  Leave a Comment